
Work With Girls With Glasses

American Idol Alum Brooke White and model/actress Summer Bellessa, create hilarious songs, explore quirky ways to revamp your style, and share motherhood tips to help simplify and uplift the modern mom. Their unique backgrounds and friendship mesh to create a fun and innovative channel where women can look to gain attainable inspiration. To contact us personally reach us here, and for Business Enquiries please email Brad Fuhrman, fuhrman@5bam.com.

Social Media Statistics

Views: 9,725,193
Subscribers: 49,500
Fans: 0
Unique Blog Visitors
Per Month: 20K+
Followers: 140K+
Followers: 40K+
Followers: 0
We want to inspire women to live a fashionable and creative life while juggling an everyday one as well.

Demographic & Influencer Statistics

