10 Funny Videos to Make You Smile

Brooke and I have been struggling to keep our families happy, healthy, and not glued to iPads as our schools have been canceled, and we’ve been quarantining our families during this Corona virus outbreak. We’re committed to help flatten the curve, but there’s no reason we can’t share a few of our favorite videos to help you forget about these big feelings, and try to laugh for a few minutes.

Our First Parody! (Iggy Azalea Parody)

“We need a break, before we have a breakdown!” (KIllers Parody)

Bums So Soft! (Kelly Clarkson Parody)

“You Say You Want a New Mother?” (Adele Parody)

Pro: We don’t need to worry about being late, because we have no where to go! (Lady Gaga Parody)

Farts make us giggle (Taylor Swift Parody)

Corona Virus will End Tomorrow (Annie Parody)

We’re having to say a lot of No’s…. (Chuck E Cheese Song)

We still need some Self Care! (Original Song with Mueller Yogurt)

Mom Lies, Not a song, but you might need to use some of these?




Hi! You guys are awesome! Saw your Oh Joy video for an expecting mom, luv it so much! Can you please share your lyrics?


Let me see if I can track them down! x Summer


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